NCMS Appalachian, Liberty, Mid-Atlantic Chapters

NCMS Tri-Chapter Seminar 2024

September 17-18, 2024

Gettysburg, PA

Presented by the Appalachian, Liberty and Mid-Atlantic Chapters


Exhibitors and Sponsors

The Tri-Chapter Seminar is a 1 ½ day Security Seminar held by three National Classification Management Society (NCMS) chapters: Appalachian Chapter, Liberty Chapter, Mid-Atlantic Chapter. This seminar provides a robust training experience for security professionals from New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Delaware, Maryland, and West Virginia. We expect 100 attendees in person and have nationally recognized speakers and workshops planned. As a sponsor, your company advertisement will be seen by all attendees at the Seminar, as well as by chapter members in each respective chapter newsletter.

The Tri-Chapter Seminar welcomes local sponsors! Our Sponsor fees for company advertising are below:

  • $1000: Full Page ad in the Tri-Chapter Seminar Registration Packet and full page ad in respective Chapters bi-monthly newsletter (6 issues), 2 seminar tickets, and a vendor table
  • $750: Half Page ad in the Tri-Chapter Seminar Registration Packet and in respective Chapter’s bi-monthly newsletter (6 issues), 1 seminar ticket, and a vendor table
  • $500: Quarter page ad in the Tri-Chapter Seminar Registration Packet and in respective Chapter’s bi-monthly newsletter (6 issues) and 1 seminar ticket
  • $250: Business Card ad in our Tri-Chapter Seminar Registration Packet and in respective Chapter’s bi-monthly newsletter (6 issues)

Sponsors can also donate items for in registration packets, such as pens, safe magnets, etc. with sponsor’s company logo. Minimal 100 item donation. If you would like more information, please discuss with the Chapter Chair for your respective region.

Appalachian Chapter (Western PA and WV): Jonathan Seaburn (412) 268-7745 |

Liberty Chapter (Eastern PA): Teresa Heimer (757) 630-4855 |

Mid-Atlantic Chapter (NJ and DE): Chrissy Sanchez (732) 936-3509 |

Once the donation is received, the Tri-Chapter Seminar team will follow up with the appropriate instructions to place your ad in the Tri-Chapter Registration Packet and the respective Chapters monthly newsletter.

Thank you in advance for considering a donation, we appreciate your generosity.

Online Sponsor Registration

Sponsors and Exhibitors can register online.

Sponsor Registration Form

Download the Sponsor Registration PDF form and return to one of the Chapter Chairs listed above.